Tuesday, April 29, 2008

This is Dedication

Once a month the school has a fire drill. The Powers that Be tend to scatter these things throughout the day, mainly so that no one period loses that much time. And to keep all of us on our toes, I'm sure.

This past month, it went off during my AP Chem class. Ordinarily, this would have delighted them. This time, however, it was during a quiz. A couple of them mentioned they were worried they wouldn't finish. Jokingly, I said that if they were that concerned, they were most welcome to take their quiz & something to write on out to the football field.

The next thing I knew, ALL of them simultaneously grabbed their books & pens & took them out to the field.

Yes, they kept working. No, they didn't cheat. And yes, I really do take my camera everywhere.


. said...

Now that IS dedication. I'm seriously impressed. Are you secretly feeding them something to turn them into the ultimate stepford student or something? Surely that's not normal student behaviour?? ;)


Anonymous said...

I've done that with my students, too... love it!

Kristen said...

Wow! That's a good group of scholars you have there!!

Unknown said...

:) :)

Marie - I wish all of my classes were that way!! Definitely not standard behavior. We were already on a shortened schedule because of an assembly, so it was a valid concern (in their minds) that they might not finish. I let them do it because I knew they wouldn't cheat either.