Friday, August 1, 2008

Another Beginning

It's that time of year again: Preplanning - preparing for another year of school. No, I have no idea why we HAD to come back to work on a Friday; I would have preferred one more uninterrupted weekend, to tell the truth. One less day to wake up to my alarm clock. But that is not to be.

I thought this picture (which I found here) was singularly appropriate. Mainly because of the 8 tentacles, and how I sometimes wish I had 8 hands of my own. (or should that be 6 hands and 2 feet? whatever.)

Over the summer I learned that I will be stretched in an entirely new direction this school year - mathematics. In addition to the 3 different chemistry and 1 physics class that I already teach, administration has seen fit to "gift" me with a section of Algebra I. Never mind that I have never taught math. Never mind that I really don't understand why people don't understand math. (that's the part that actually concerns me most.) Never mind that without this class, I will not be classed as 'full-time', even though I taught the same classes (and the same number of sections last year) and retained full-time status.

I could start off the year bitter and worried. Truthfully, I feel neither. Not to say that I haven't been angry at the situation, or felt little more than a doormat at times as this mess unfolded, but the situation isn't changing. Therefore, I must change the way *I* look at and deal with it.

I am a teacher. Although I never purposefully set out on this path, it is where I have been lead, and I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that I am in the position I am SUPPOSED to be in. For whatever reason, I apparently need to brush up on my algebra skills. This is not a bad thing. I also need to acquire some algebra teaching skills, but that will come. My prayer is that they do not come at the expense of me teaching my other classes well.

I do look forward to today - there are plenty of friends that I have not seen over the summer, and it will be fun to catch up. We have a new high school principal, and although I have met him once, I want to see more of how he acts in groups. There are plans afoot that I wish to know more about.

Besides, there are not many jobs in which one receives a fresh slate once a year. It's my duty to create the masterpiece upon it.


Anonymous said...

well said!
I am praying this year is a great one!!

Anonymous said...

Couldn't help but notice that Octopus has only 7 tentacles?! LOL Guess the artist didn't have a very good biology teacher? ;+) Good attitude, sounds like things will end up fine afterall.

The Doodle Family (As Authored by Kimberley) said...

That is such a wonderful sentiment. The idea of a fresh slate in which to create a masterpiece. That is just awesome!